Computer Center Coordinator

Help resolve tech issues in your building!

Icon of a desktop computer

Computer Center Coordinators offer assistance with software and hardware problems, UMN-TV, printing support, and computer center maintenance. Computer center coordinators also provide occasional technical support to the hall's business staff.

Visit our tech services page for more information on dedicated tech spaces in our buildings.


  • $16.00 per hour
  • 10 hours/week
  • Term: 1 week before Welcome Week begins (late August) to the end of spring semester (early May)
  • No work over Winter Break.
  • Work-study positions available
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Work within your residence hall
  • Gain experience using an IT ticketing system and resolving technical issues

How to Apply

Applications are considered until all vacancies are filled.
Applications for next academic year generally open in May.

Apply Now


  • Attend one week of training in August before Welcome Week and one day in January before classes start for spring semester.
  • Assist residents with software, hardware and/or networking problems in the computer center, and manage any problems that may occur with equipment
  • Maintain the learning technologies (Printers, Computers, Monitors, Web Cameras, Meeting Room Displays, TVs, Digital Signage)
  • Provide occasional technical support to the building business staff. This includes patching their computers when necessary and troubleshooting any problems that occur
  • Act as the contact person for HRL technology initiatives. This may include organizing support stations at the beginning of each semester to fix student computers
  • Communicate with staff and residents regularly through web updates, email, and meetings
  • Develop a relationship with the Residence Director, Community Advisors, Office Assistants, and Business Operations Supervisors to discuss and resolve issues related to the computer center
  • Maintain computer center cleaning supplies and keep it clean and orderly
  • Complete incident reports for computer center policy violations



  • Must be assigned to University Housing for the current semester
  • Good communication skills
  • Customer service experience


  • Familiar with Windows and Mac computers