students sitting at computers in a computer lab.

Tech Services

All residents have access to high-speed Ethernet, WiFi for your devices, 80 HD television channels (including sports networks), tech spaces available 24 hours a day, and inexpensive wireless printing. Additionally, all residence halls and apartments have dedicated tech staff who are available to help whenever you have problems.

Review our Tech Services webpages to find everything you'll need to maximize the technology amenities both in your building and our entire residential community.

Tech in Your Room

two people looking at their laptops and smiling
Learn about WiFi, Ethernet, and how to register your devices.
Hand holding a tv remote with a screen out of focus in the background
Access 80 channels streaming to your devices or 120+ via cable.
empty computer lab with desks and computers
Print from your room to your building's computer lounge.

Centers, Lounges & Labs

Our dedicated tech spaces are equipped with PC and Mac desktop computers, wireless internet, scanners, printers, and other peripherals that vary by building. All of the computers also have a variety of programs installed that are free to be used for coursework (review “Speciality Software” below).

Reminder: You will need your U Card to enter the tech spaces and print.

We're here to help!

Computer Center Coordinators (CCCs) assist with troubleshooting software and hardware problems, UMN-TV, and printing support, and they maintain the computer center in your building. Your CCC is available seven hours a week. See “Tech Help on Campus” below for more information