Change or Cancel
Changes to your contract or housing assignment must be requested in advance, and many factors impact approvals. Carefully review details about the process for each below.
Changing Your Assignment
All spaces are assigned for the academic year by the end of August. After move-in, there will be a small number of contract releases that make space available. While we accept fall assignment change requests beginning in October, very few students will be able to move based on limited vacancies.
There are several factors that impact the success of your request, including your willingness to move independently of a preferred roommate and the spaces available at the time your request is considered. It may be necessary for you to move to a new building to change rooms, and it is not guaranteed that this new building will be near your old one or match your preferences for location or room type.
As such, we strongly encourage residents to have conversations with their roommate(s) and hall staff before requesting a room change. It is often possible for roommates to make compromises that resolve conflicts or concerns, and our staff is available to help.
If you have questions about the process, contact the business operations supervisor in your building.
Contract Release (Cancellation)
Caution: Once the cancelation period expires (explained below), contract cancellations are not automatically granted. Remember that you are financially responsible for your on-campus contract unless you have been officially released. We recommend you do not sign any leases until your contract release request has been approved.
The process for application cancellations and contract release requests is different according to the application period (see accordions below). The housing application fee is non-refundable.
The deadline for new residents (incoming first-year and transfer students) to cancel and receive a refund of their $200 guarantee payment is August 1.
Students who decide not to live in housing must cancel their housing application-contract to avoid being billed additional room and dining charges. After the deadline, new residents who have not checked in and received room keys may cancel their contract any time before the start of classes, but the $200 Housing Guarantee payment is non-refundable. If that payment was deferred for financial aid, the student will be billed $200 to their student account.
If you have questions about the process, contact us here.
Returning residents assigned on-campus housing must complete a contract release request within seven (7) days of receiving a Housing Guarantee offer to be released from their housing application-contract and, if applicable, to receive a refund of the $200 housing guarantee payment.
Returning residents will not be permitted to cancel more than seven (7) days after they have paid or extended the Housing guarantee payment, as that is the date by which the application-contract becomes a legally binding contract with Housing & Residential Life.
Residents should not move off campus until Housing & Residential Life states their request has been officially approved. If you have questions regarding the likelihood of your contract release being approved, need guidance, or have questions about the process, contact the Business Operations Supervisor in your building.
Residents may be granted a release from their contract during the contract period without financial penalty for any of the following reasons if the reason is documented:
- Withdrawal/transfer from the University/Leave of Absence
- Graduation
- Marriage
- Study abroad or University-related internship (non-metro area)
- Call to active military duty
Requests for release due to other extenuating circumstances may be granted (but are not guaranteed). Contract releases for reasons not listed above most likely will not be approved. Documentation is required for these requests such as 1) proof of demonstrable, non-replaceable loss of financial support base after agreeing to the terms of the application-contract or 2) proof that a medical/psychological condition exists that was nonexistent prior to the resident’s move into University housing or severely exacerbated after agreeing to the terms of the application-contract from a physician, a licensed social worker, or psychological or medical practitioner. All other reasons for a contract release request may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis but are not guaranteed.
Note: Refunds/credits are not granted for early move-outs during the last two weeks of any semester or summer term. Residents are required to follow proper checkout procedures when moving out of University housing. Failure to properly check out may result in additional service fees and charges for necessary repairs and damages.